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Our Services

Our Services to help you get your
Driving License

At FindMeDrivingTest.co.uk, we’re your trusted partner on the road to obtaining your driver’s license. Our suite of services is designed to cater to the diverse needs of learner drivers, ensuring that your journey is smooth, efficient, and successful. Whether you’re preparing for your practical driving test, theory test, seeking support for your Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) qualification, or considering an Intensive Course, we have you covered. Explore our services below and discover how we can assist you on your driving journey.

Practical Test

Effortlessly schedule and complete your practical driving test with our streamlined service.


Theory Test

Prepare and excel on your theory test with our expert-guided service, offering study materials and practice exams.


Experience professional ADI guidance tailored to boost your driving skills and confidence.

Intensive Course

Accelerate your driving skills with our tailored Intensive Course, ensuring your success on the road ahead.


Practical Test Service

Our Practical Test Service is tailored to individuals who are ready to demonstrate their driving skills and obtain their driver’s license. We understand the importance of securing an early practical driving test date, and that’s where we come in. We specialize in locating test cancellations and ensuring that you have the opportunity to take your test at your preferred location and time. With our expert support and resources, you’ll be well-prepared to pass your practical driving test with confidence.


Theory Test Assistance Service

Passing the theory test is a crucial step toward obtaining your driver’s license. Our Theory Test Assistance service is designed to guide you through the preparation process. We provide valuable resources, mock test materials, and expert tips to help you excel in the theory test. Our commitment is to ensure you have the knowledge and confidence to pass this essential milestone.


Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) Support

If you’re on the path to becoming an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI), our ADI Support service can be invaluable. We offer guidance and resources to help you prepare for the ADI qualifying tests. Our aim is to assist you in reaching your goal of becoming a certified ADI and sharing your expertise with future generations of drivers.


Intensive Course Service

For those who prefer an accelerated approach to learning, our Intensive Course Service is the ideal choice. We offer intensive driving courses that allow you to gain the skills and knowledge required to pass your driving test in a shorter timeframe. Our experienced instructors will provide you with focused training to help you become a confident and capable driver.

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